Moving With A Family

Moving With A Family

Moving day for the kids!

Have you discovered that you (and your family) have to relocate? Even if youve contacted a real estate agent, found a great home, and feel prepared for the move, your children may not share your enthusiasm.

Experience shows there can be two emotions at play, depending on your childs age fear or anger. Young children may fear the unknown where will they go to school? How will they make new friends? Where will they play and have fun?

Show them how they'll continue all their activities in their new community. Visit the school, spend time in the park, and drive them through the neighborhood where other children are playing.

If you've got teenage kids, you may face resentment about moving. They feel more established in their schools, sports, and friendships. Accentuate the positive - maybe the sports program is one of the best in the state, and maybe their best friend can visit over school break.

If you can move during the school year, so much the better. They immediately begin to make new friends, instead of spending potentially lonely months during a summer vacation.

Explain that you're making transitions in your activities and relationships, too, and how excited you are to develop new interests and learn about your new home together. Children are amazingly adaptable they may just surprise you! Enjoy your journey together!

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